Thursday 28 October 2021

 I think behind the door is heaven gates because it looks like heaven gates  but the most thing i think what is behind the door is a rugby team because rugby is my favourite and you can get dirty and some times you can do some slippy clyde.


  1. Hi Quan, thanks for sharing your writing. I like the idea that your favourite thing is behind the door, great idea, mine would be a football stadium. Don't forget to check for full stops in your writing before you publish.

  2. Kia Ora Quan. Thanks for sharing your writing. That is a really interesting way to look at what might be behind the door. Which rugby team is your favourite? Do you prefer league or union?

  3. Kia ore Quan Arshad here I like your blog it was nice to and the bast story you got there Quan and blog you later Quan😁😁😁🎖️🏆.


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